
How clearly can your organization communicate 3 ways you are unique to your market?

1- Not at all

10 – Exceptionally

Do you have a clearly defined unique audience / target market?

How confident are you that your marketing is only focused on your unique audience/target market?

1- Not at all

10 – Exceptionally

Is this message consistent throughout your sales and marketing efforts?

Do you have brand creative that shares your message and story without words?

Do you have brand guidelines that are used for the creation of all marketing assets?

Has the security, speed and load time of your website been validated recently?

Is your website optimized for SEO including onsite content, page naming and responsive design?

Are you actively engaged in online paid advertising?

Do you have a strategic and consistently executed content strategy?

Do you have a current CRM system that sales, marketing & accounts/delivery use to measure and engage leads/prospects?

How organized and consistently updated is the data in your CRM? (List segmentation by lead source, date acquired, products purchased, etc.)

1- Not at all

10 – Exceptionally

Do you have analytics set up to filter out bad data and track desired conversion activities (form completion/phone calls)?

Are you leveraging more advanced analytics tools like Heatmaps, User Tracking, Call Tracking, Form Abandonment, etc?

Do you have YoY/QoQ key metric performance statistics available?

Do you know how many times you're reaching prospects 30, 60, and 90 days from initially being contacted?

Do you have a designed cadence of touch points for your sales and marketing efforts?

Are you leveraging paid media to “remarket” or “retarget” active leads/prospects?

Do you have automated email cultivation sequences for your prospects?

Do you have automated workflows for your sales teams?

Do you have key conversion metrics for your sales teams including prospect to proposal to closing/win ratios?

Do you have information available to help improve sales process and conversion rates?

Do you have a defined and repeatable new customer onboard process that outlines the first 90 days of a new customer’s experience?

Do you have a documented and repeatable process to provide surprise moments of joy for your customers? (Handwritten notes, swag, saying thank you, celebrating milestones, etc.)

Are you ensuring clients are delighted beyond the initial onboarding period of the relationship?

Do you know the lifetime value of a typical client?

How well do you proactively upsell, cross sell and renew sales to your existing clients?

1- Not at all

10 – Exceptionally

How educated are your existing customers on all your products / services / offerings?

1- Not at all

10 – Exceptionally

Do you have a process to actively interview or survey your clients to know and understand their satisfaction level? (NPS and the like)

Do you ask your Champions to take action on your behalf? (reviews, testimonials, referrals)